Jul. 21, 2011 23:09 - Should I Apply for Z Visa in person in NYC? 295061
Jul. 21, 2011 21:37 - What size photo and how many do I need xerox copy of my passport? Do I brin... 295140
Jul. 18, 2011 21:34 - can i get a tourist visa to china if i have an old drug charge 294581
Jul. 17, 2011 21:24 - Dear Sirs, Does a US citizen need a visa to go to Macao? Thx 294429
Jul. 14, 2011 22:20 - Is a birth certificate a must have to get a China visa? Is there any way ar... 293881
Jul. 14, 2011 03:44 - I am a Us citizen Is it possible to get a two year visa to China? 293920
Jul. 12, 2011 23:21 - Can I get an application form online and fill it out before I come down to ... 293718
Jul. 12, 2011 03:47 - I am interested in contacting a service to assist in obtaining a tourist vi... 293450
Jul. 11, 2011 03:40 - What I need and how can I register business in China? 159804
Jul. 08, 2011 22:06 - How and where to get Chinese visa if I live in Lincoln Nebraska? 293090
Jul. 07, 2011 22:46 - I am USA citizen. I am in Ho chi minh city now, I need double entry vsia, h... 293010
Jul. 06, 2011 03:14 - How do I make an appointment with the China Consulate in San Francisco? 292717
Jun. 30, 2011 20:18 - I am a citizen of U.S.A, do i need to have a permit/visa to enter HongKong ... 291989
Jun. 29, 2011 20:42 - Entry permit to Hong Kong 291832
Jun. 28, 2011 04:58 - Re-entry to China with a single-entry Z visa but a processed work permit 291580
Jun. 27, 2011 20:44 - What is process for Authentification of document in Chinese embassy? 291502
Jun. 25, 2011 03:18 - I want to bring my 16 year-old niece to china for a visit. What documentati... 291021
Jun. 24, 2011 20:33 - USA citizen asking about visa requirement for tourist visa 290990
Jun. 24, 2011 01:54 - Does someone need some paper signed by me to pick up my China family visit ... 290724
Jun. 23, 2011 03:45 - Can I renew my old HK ID card to the latest Smart ID card here in San Franc... 290599
Jun. 23, 2011 03:35 - Work Visa (Z) to China 290448
Jun. 20, 2011 00:59 - China Transit Visa/ Transit two cities in China 290242
Jun. 19, 2011 23:08 - Single Status Certificate requirements 290225
Jun. 17, 2011 03:03 - Translation of Affidavit of Single Status 289741
Jun. 16, 2011 04:24 - Do you accept mailed-in China visa applications? I am an Oregon resident. 289590
Jun. 15, 2011 04:09 - I am US citizen who immigrated from Taiwan more than 30 years ago. 289268
Jun. 11, 2011 23:54 - traveling from south korea to china 288977
Jun. 11, 2011 21:40 - If we apply for a visa and leave a stamped self addressed envelope will you... 288844
Jun. 10, 2011 21:45 - Malaysian citizen (US green card holder) transit in Pudong Airport, do I ne... 288640
Jun. 10, 2011 03:42 - Can a person on a student visa also work in a paid internship with a U.S. c... 288503