Jan. 06, 2014 00:53 - Will I be able to obtain the 5 day visa for Shenzhen and how much does it c... 471371
Jan. 04, 2014 21:43 - Are the VOA Office opening and closing times still current? 471157
Jan. 04, 2014 21:05 - My Chinese Visa is just expired and I need to be in SZ 470947
Jan. 04, 2014 01:49 - VOA at Shekou port for Indonesian 470439
Jan. 04, 2014 01:48 - VOA at Shenzhen Airoirt 470556
Dec. 30, 2013 21:59 - From hong kong to shenzhen, am I eligible for VOA to enter Shenzhen for tou... 470043
Dec. 30, 2013 00:45 - Our hotel is close to Shuibei station, are we allowed to travel that far us... 469876
Dec. 29, 2013 01:21 - VOA for Swedish citizen for Zhuhai 469779
Dec. 29, 2013 01:19 - Flight from Guangzhou, visa question please help me 469741
Dec. 29, 2013 01:15 - Can i go to another city with voa? 469381
Dec. 29, 2013 01:13 - Last minute visa for China 469365
Dec. 26, 2013 00:26 - My layover is 23 hours will I be allowed to move outside the airport. My pa... 469299
Dec. 25, 2013 22:07 - VOA for indonesian passport in Shenzhen 469266
Dec. 24, 2013 20:52 - Can Singapore passport holders apply for visa on arrival in Shenzhen? 469027
Dec. 24, 2013 03:33 - Thailand passport can get VOA at Shenzhen (Luo Hu port)? 469020
Dec. 23, 2013 21:04 - i have a day layover in shanghai, My passport is South african. Do I apply ... 468969
Dec. 23, 2013 01:09 - can i get a visa in the airport? 468745
Dec. 23, 2013 01:05 - im from malaysia, now studying in russia. i plan to go shanghai for christm... 468741
Dec. 23, 2013 01:01 - Can I apply vi on arrival, if yes for how many days? 468724
Dec. 22, 2013 09:28 - Can we get visa at hongkong airport upon arrival then take ferry to shenzen... 468651
Dec. 22, 2013 03:12 - With a swedish passport, am i allow to get a visa on arrival? 468285
Dec. 19, 2013 03:17 - Guide us on visas requirements n can I obtain VOA? 468184
Dec. 19, 2013 02:56 - Hi,If Im holding malaysia passport holder, Can i apply the 5days visa pass ... 468140
Dec. 19, 2013 01:47 - my friend is a malaysian . she is 15years old . can she apply for visa when... 468170
Dec. 19, 2013 00:49 - Through which port should I enter Xiamen? Is the process and requirement si... 468157
Dec. 19, 2013 00:40 - Can Malaysian apply VOA at Lo Wu? 468144
Dec. 18, 2013 20:54 - Can you please let me know if I can get a VOA or can I avail the free optio... 468008
Dec. 18, 2013 00:02 - Can I get a VOA Visa to visit Beijing at the airport in shanghai where I a... 467944
Dec. 17, 2013 04:42 - Will it be easy to apply 5 days VOA to Shenzhen at Luohu Port? 467554
Dec. 16, 2013 01:47 - Which port is open for VOA on 18th December 2013? 467497