Search results for "Qin Sword in the Terracotta Army"
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Questions Answers
why were they named terricata warriors?
Asked by jefferson223 from USA
| Mar. 13, 2013 13:16
Is the destination interesting enough for an australian to go
Asked by max from Australia
| May. 01, 2013 05:44
did the warriors ever have colour?
Asked by Niouooyla from Australia
| May. 27, 2015 00:49
how much warriors are there?
Asked by patrick from Australia
| May. 28, 2013 19:11
what does the terracotta warriors reveal about ancient china?
Asked by hifsah from Australia
| Nov. 21, 2017 19:55
Hi, just wondering is the terracotta army far from the city itself in Xian and how to get there from hong kong (is there only one plane journey a day?).
Asked by Enda from Ireland
| Nov. 16, 2013 02:22
Closures for holidays of Terra Cotta Army
Asked by Sara from USA
| Nov. 16, 2013 21:11
how long did it take to build the Terracotta Soldiers?
Asked by will from USA
| Dec. 12, 2013 21:15
Can I use credit card to pay admission fee for the terra cotta army?
Asked by Jue from Thailand
| Jan. 14, 2014 07:54
What are the terra cotta army figures made of?
Asked by Teresa from North America
| Feb. 23, 2014 00:47
Is it possible for a wheelchair bound person to see the exhibits in the terra cotta army?
| May. 18, 2014 20:45
where in china is the museum of all the warriors
Asked by tayla from Australia
| May. 20, 2014 03:55
how long and how much a taxi cost from Museum of Qin Terracotta Warriors to Xian airport ?
Asked by BARBARA from Czech
| Aug. 18, 2014 19:47
wheelchair accesable in the Terra Cotta Worriors museum in Xian
Asked by tylah from Iraq
| Sep. 16, 2014 00:56
What attractions are there at Lintong? Details please.
Asked by Sushil Bali from India
| Sep. 23, 2014 22:57
How far is the Terra Cotta Warrior Museum from the Xian International AIrport by taxi? How much?
Asked by Rachelle from Philippines
| Oct. 12, 2014 21:15
how early does terracotta museum open and how far is it from the train station?
Asked by claudia from USA
| May. 11, 2015 20:55
Can VIPs go into/closers to the pit of the Terracotta Warriors ?
Asked by Pat from USA
| May. 27, 2015 21:02
they burried all the jews in the wall as well
Asked by Mr.down symdrom from iraq
| Mar. 08, 2009 08:53
the pic tures of the china warriors
Asked by Ms.roy from u.s.a
| Oct. 06, 2009 20:58
how do they pay in CNY
Asked by Mr.unknown from north america
| Apr. 15, 2010 20:21
How tall is the average soldier?
Asked by Mr.Carr from US
| May. 25, 2010 05:00
why were these made?
Asked by Mr. mrs me from Australia
| Oct. 09, 2015 10:53
Can you take pictures?
Asked by Mr.burton from USA
| Feb. 09, 2011 10:27
How far from Beijing are these soldiers?
Asked by Mrs.Janet from USA
| Feb. 19, 2011 00:34
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