11/9/2009 8:30:15 PM
Nov. 09, 2009 20:30 - Hi, I have applied for HongKong visit visa (through Chineese Consulate in S... 174355
11/9/2009 8:19:00 PM
Nov. 09, 2009 20:19 - I just arrived back too Australia from china and will be going back to Chin... 174345
11/9/2009 4:44:54 AM
Nov. 09, 2009 04:44 - Hi,my daughter will be in China visiting us during the summer uni break. ... 174326
11/6/2009 5:45:54 AM
Nov. 06, 2009 05:45 - Dear Sir
I currently hold a 12 month Multi Entryvisa which I use for buisne... 173975
11/5/2009 11:11:18 PM
Nov. 05, 2009 23:11 - Dear Guys,
My wife is holding the Vietnam passport and Aus PR. We are go... 173870
11/5/2009 4:15:14 AM
Nov. 05, 2009 04:15 - Hi Mr.Madison,
I have tried this number so badly. I really need to get in ... 173739
11/5/2009 4:05:53 AM
Nov. 05, 2009 04:05 - i m holding Australian passport, I will fly to hong kong then guangzhou wit... 173720
11/4/2009 8:39:07 PM
Nov. 04, 2009 20:39 - Hi there,
I was trying very hard to contact the chinese consulate but no o... 173705
11/4/2009 2:18:29 AM
Nov. 04, 2009 02:18 - Hi,
I am a Malaysian Passport holder but I am currenly in Australia plan... 173551
11/3/2009 8:04:53 PM
Nov. 03, 2009 20:04 - hey I have a italian passport living in australia for study and I would lik... 173369
11/2/2009 10:23:28 PM
Nov. 02, 2009 22:23 - Im an Indonesian and currently studying in Australia. Im holding official p... 173234
11/2/2009 10:20:43 PM
Nov. 02, 2009 22:20 - Hi,
I hold a New Zealand passport but i am currently living in Australia... 173126
11/2/2009 10:03:11 PM
Nov. 02, 2009 22:03 - I'm planning to go to china in june therefore because I have no time to go ... 173104
10/29/2009 9:10:33 PM
Oct. 29, 2009 21:10 - Hi,
I am an international student in Australia and I am holding Indonesian... 172537
10/28/2009 1:01:37 AM
Oct. 28, 2009 01:01 - i am a australian passport holder and my chinese business visa expired on 2... 172096
10/27/2009 9:43:32 PM
Oct. 27, 2009 21:43 - Hello, I live in Hobart. I need to get a visa application for china. I leav... 172076
10/27/2009 9:42:03 PM
Oct. 27, 2009 21:42 - My wife is a chinese citizen and has a permant visa to live australia and s... 172059
10/27/2009 9:00:37 PM
Oct. 27, 2009 21:00 - heyy i was just wondering for the china visa if we are Australian citizens ... 171944
10/27/2009 4:52:20 AM
Oct. 27, 2009 04:52 - Hello there, I'm hoping to go to Hainan in November and I am very intereste... 171886
10/26/2009 10:09:27 PM
Oct. 26, 2009 22:09 - The lady that is responsible for HongKong visa has contacted me and asked f... 171648
10/26/2009 9:43:41 PM
Oct. 26, 2009 21:43 - I need to apply for a visa for china, however when i am aloud to get a visa... 171737
10/26/2009 9:25:35 PM
Oct. 26, 2009 21:25 - Hi
I am chinese citizen holding chinese passport, with Australian PR, i ... 171191
10/26/2009 5:03:05 AM
Oct. 26, 2009 05:03 - Hi there, I am travelling to Hong Kong on 12th November, returning to Melbo... 171637
10/26/2009 4:35:24 AM
Oct. 26, 2009 04:35 - Hi,
My chinese passport is going to expire on 23rd of December 2009, I h... 171606
10/24/2009 9:54:01 PM
Oct. 24, 2009 21:54 - Hi I am not sure if anyone can help me but I have a friend living in Shenzh... 171425
10/23/2009 1:37:54 AM
Oct. 23, 2009 01:37 - Hello, I hold an Australian passport and will be travelling around Asia in ... 171207
10/22/2009 11:09:42 PM
Oct. 22, 2009 23:09 - I am a citizen of Australia but living in the US. I travel frequently to C... 171120
10/22/2009 11:08:05 PM
Oct. 22, 2009 23:08 - Can I use my Brtish National Overseas (BNO) to obtain a china visa. 171118
10/22/2009 7:56:53 PM
Oct. 22, 2009 19:56 - hi,
this is the first time I've encountered this website. I'm not too su... 171074