Hi there,
I was trying very hard to contact the chinese consulate but no one answer , and the naswer machine speakes in mandarine which means that I dont understand anything (><)
However, I have a special circumstances, and need to talk to someone who is able to help me. we usually go to Hong Kong without any visa but my baby has a travel pass and they told me we can't enter Hong Kong with her unless we apply for a visa. May I ask please what should I do. The reason why we are having transit in Hong Kong is because I have 2 special need daughters and it is very dangerous for them to travel by plane more than 7 hours due to the possibility they might have seizures which con not be treated in the plane, therefore, the neurologist always ask to give them a rest in the middle way which is Hong Kong this time, We booked the flight on the 20th Nov, so please I really need a quick respond. the Hong Kong internation airport people told me to talk to the consulate in order to apply for my baby a visa. can you tell me the numbers that I have to contact asap and when please? gmail.com|bensiana