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Questions & Answers on Temple of Heaven
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Are there arrangement for access of wheel chairs in Temple of Heaven
Jul. 30, 2014 01:28 - David Yorath from Wales
temple of heaven
Jun. 06, 2014 23:01 - anita from India
I was wondering what would be the best way to get to the Temple of Heaven f...
May. 23, 2014 01:14 - KMN from Australia
How long did the temple of the heaven take to build it?
Apr. 30, 2014 00:50 - Mandie Lee from USA
What streets do I need to use to get to the West Gate of the Temple of Heav...
Mar. 24, 2014 04:29 - Jade from Australia
How can I get from Beijing South train station to the Temple of Heaven?
Mar. 16, 2014 20:08 - Lili from France
Question about the storage and use of dyes from spices and herbs at Temple ...
Nov. 29, 2013 14:53 - Sharyn Black from New Zealand
Is there any clockroom at Temple of Heaven to keep the luggage in Beijing
Oct. 28, 2013 00:52 - Mangesh from India
Opening Times of Temple of Heavens
Oct. 09, 2013 03:18 - JEFF01 from Australia
Do we need to print the map of Temple of Heaven or not?
Aug. 28, 2013 01:12 - CUTETIGER
Pleasecan you advise the distance between Tiananmen square and Temple of He...
Aug. 08, 2013 04:31 - AMANDA from UK
what is the address for the temple of heaven?
Jun. 26, 2013 02:13 - lisa from usa
what religion was worshiped in the temple of heaven?
Jun. 08, 2013 02:49 - francesca from United Kingdom
I plan to visit temple of heaven at 6am but it says the scenic spot is open...
May. 09, 2013 03:32 - chris from philippines
what bus to take from Renshou Road to Temple of Heaven? how many kilometers...
Mar. 24, 2013 04:17 - edna bermoy from Philippines
why is it called the Temple of Heaven?
Mar. 14, 2013 02:48 - brittany from USA
Is there a luggage storage service in the Temple of Heaven? Do you have to...
Jan. 26, 2013 20:22 - Mei
Is there a countdown on 31.12.2012 at Temple of Heaven?
Dec. 14, 2012 03:45 - Susy from Australia
who built the temple of heaven
Dec. 10, 2012 21:31 - like from USA
how to get to Temple of Heaven from Zhoujiazhuang?
Dec. 08, 2012 02:00 - jen from Malaysia
what is the meaning of combination ticket for Temple of Heaven .
Aug. 29, 2012 21:25 - vikash kumar from India
what is the main feature of temple of heaven?
Aug. 06, 2012 22:14 - lauren mason from Australia
Opening hour for scenic spots at Temple of Heaven
Aug. 04, 2012 21:16 - Giusy from Italy
How can get from Forbidden City to the temple of Heaven? How much approxima...
Jul. 06, 2012 04:38 - Ivana from Bulgaria
what's is combination ticket for Temple of Heaven?what's the difference wit...
Feb. 15, 2012 03:00 - Rena from Indonesia
visiting Temple of Heaven and Summer Palace 15th March 2012, how to get the...
Jan. 08, 2012 02:06 - majena from Malaysia
Plan to visit temple of heaven this coming Sep. Beijing
Aug. 17, 2011 21:44 - leoangie from Malaysia
are there english speaking guides I can hire when I reach the Temple of Hea...
Jul. 13, 2011 20:32 - shyam from Singapore
Do they perform at the ancient music department at Temple of heaven any mor...
Jun. 27, 2011 03:53 - Mindy from China
ya im doing a school project and i need to know how much it costs to get i...
Apr. 29, 2011 21:48 - munster from Canada
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