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Page 131 of 196
Page 131 of 196
from beijing airport( international) to Zhongyu century grand hotel
Aug. 06, 2012 20:08 - champika from australia
How much can earn in China per one hour?
Aug. 06, 2012 02:12 - nilu from Sri Lanka
We are planning to go to Beijing by train.
Aug. 06, 2012 01:59 - Shirley from Singapore
How do I get from Beijing to the cruise ships in Tianjin.
Aug. 04, 2012 21:36 - Jesse from U.S.A.
To and from Shichahai in Beijing
Aug. 04, 2012 21:07 - Cindy from Indonesia
Can you put some information about The history of TUANJIEHU park? I could n...
Aug. 04, 2012 21:01 - feifei from Iran
How long does it take to travel from Beijing Int'l Airport to Baodin by shu...
Aug. 04, 2012 20:22 - jason from Australia
Where in Beijing is the best place to exchange US dollars for CNY?
Aug. 04, 2012 20:21 - EMPERORSAM from United States
I have 5 free days in Beijing at the end of August. What can I reasonably ...
Aug. 04, 2012 01:29 - Lewis from USA
Muslim halal restaurant near crowne plaza u town hotel Beijing
Aug. 03, 2012 21:32 - h-hami from iran
what is zip code for #10 Jing Shan Qianjie, Beijing?
Aug. 03, 2012 04:22 - Tony metcalf from USA
How could I travel from capital international airport to Xiaotangshan, Chan...
Aug. 03, 2012 01:19 - harifi from iran
do i need a transit visa for less than 24hr in Beijing
Aug. 03, 2012 01:11 - Jin from Australia
Flights available from HK to Beijing or Guangzhou to Beijing. Pls give me ...
Aug. 03, 2012 01:09 - Ting HS from Malaysia
good travel agency in Beijing
Aug. 02, 2012 23:15 - nasser from beijing china
I hope to go to china to visit great wall and forbidden city. So I've decid...
Aug. 01, 2012 22:15 - cham from Sri Lanka
i would like to experience living with a Chinese family
Jul. 31, 2012 22:26 - stephen from Australia
Opening time of Lama Temple
Jul. 31, 2012 21:30 - Giuseppina from Italy
how can i stay in a traditional village house in Fanshang district Beijing
Jul. 30, 2012 20:47 - stephen from australia
shanhaiguan trip
Jul. 30, 2012 01:59 - tim from USA
tallest viewing building in beijing
Jul. 30, 2012 01:40 - tim from USA
Metro route from garden hotel to bejing Lu market
Jul. 29, 2012 20:38 - Santosh from India
Walk to Tiananmen Square fm Forbidden City?
Jul. 29, 2012 03:07 - Sebastian from Germany
I see the train is RMB 6 and admission is 45 CNY for Badaling great wal Wha...
Jul. 29, 2012 02:38 - Bill from U.S.A.
how many stairs does the drum tower have?
Jul. 29, 2012 01:12 - jess from Australia
I need a bus rout from Summer Palace to Minlong Pottery Market, Shilihe
Jul. 29, 2012 01:10 - Guest
In Tianjin, are there bank machines (ATM) that accept USA bank/credit cards...
Jul. 29, 2012 00:53 - Golan from USA
Fm Tiananmen Square to Qianmen
Jul. 28, 2012 22:38 - Sebastian from Germanyv
i am a pig that wants to know how to satisfy my rabbit mate
Jul. 28, 2012 21:23 - Wild from USA
Does it offend the Chinese people if we wear yellow, the imperial color?
Jul. 28, 2012 21:15 - margaret
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