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Asked by Jason from united states | Mar. 13, 2025 14:51
About:240-Hour Visa-Free Transit

US Citizens making sure this itinerary works

Hi, just want to make sure I'm following the rules correctly for the 240 hour visa. We will be flying from Chicago to Hong Kong with a layover in Frankfurt, Germany. We land in HK on May 24th late in the evening and then travel by train to Shanghai on the 29th. We fly out early morning from Shanghai on June 2nd to Seoul, Korea. This is ten days total but with the flight times it is under the 240 hours, just mainly concerned that our methods to enter and leave the country satisfy the requirements for the visa. Thank you!

Answers (1)
Answered by Borut | Mar. 14, 2025 01:27
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Jason, you should be aware of two important details. The first one is that your stay in Hong Kong is not counted against your 240 hours because Hong Kong separate immigration and visa policies compared to the mainland China. In other words, your time spend in mainland China is the time counted under 240 hour visa free transit. In reality, you will spend just 5 days out of 10 allowed in mainland China. This is not a problem at all, but just for your information to understand this policy in a correct way. The second detail is that you cannot use a train to travel from Hong Kong to Shanghai. Simply speaking, you cannot enter mainland China from Hong Kong by train. You can do it in the opposite direction, but not in direction as you have planned. The alternative to train is a flight from Hong Kong to Shanghai or a combination of ferry + train. You can take a ferry from Hong Kong to Shekou port in Shenzhen. After you have arrived in Shekou, you will transfer to Shenzhen North station and take a train from there to Shanghai. Taking a ferry from Hong Kong to Shekou port in Shenzhen is an eligible way to enter mainland China under 240 hour visa free transit. In the end, you will take a flight from Shanghai to Seoul as you have planned. In the end, the only detail you really have to change is a detail with a direct train from Hong Kong and to replace it by a flight or a combination of ferry + train. Also, it is important to understand that this is not a visa, but 240 hour visa free transit, so there is no visa involved of any kind. Have a nice journey and a visit to China.
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