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Asked by irina from Kazakhstan | Dec. 19, 2019 22:14
About:24-Hour Visa-Free Transit

24 hours transit in Guangzhou

Hello, thank you very much for the answer to my first question about transit through China to Phuket:
I'm from Kazakhstan. I have two separate tickets.
1 - Nur Sultan 12/31/19 at 22.30 - Beijing 01/01/20 at 08.00 (change) - Guangzhou 01/01/20 at 11.30.
I will need to go out in Guangzhou airport to pick up my luggage and register for a 2 - ticket.
2 - Guangzhou 01/01/20 at 22.40 - Phuket 02/01/20 at 00.50.

Now I need to clarify the return flight. Also two different tickets, two different airlines.
1 ticket - Phuket 01/13/20 at 04.10 - Guangzhou 01/13/20 at 08.35.
We will need to get our luggage, and again check-in for the second flight of another airline.
2 ticket - Guangzhou 01/13/20 at 20.45 - arrival in Beijing 01/13/20 at 23.50 (change at 16 hours, we were given a hotel) departure from Beijing 01/14/20 at 16.30 - Nur-Sultan 01/14/20 at 21.00.

Do we get 24 hour transit? And whether there will be a countdown of the transit time at 00.00 the next day after arrival, then we fall into 24 hour transit. But if the countdown is on the time of the first flight to China (01/13/20 at 08.35) then there will be 32 hours before departure from China (01/14/20 at 16.30).

In this case, we must arrange our transit to Guangzhou? And already in Beijing do we need to arrange something?

Answers (1)
Answered by Saul | Dec. 20, 2019 01:13
The return flight requires a Chinese visa because you stay longer than 24 hours in China.

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