Asked by Evonne from Li | Jul. 07, 2017 16:42
About:144-Hour Visa-Free Transit

Visa Free? From United States > Shanghai > United States but have a layover in Canada

I am flying from The United states > layover in Canada > to Shanghai and my return route is Shanghai > Canada > United States

Does this qualify for free transit program?

Can I say my initial departure was from The United States (even though there was a layover in Canada) and stay 144 hours in Shanghai then say my destination is Canada (even thought this is a layover to the United States). Since there is no guideline on how long I need to stay in any of the areas?

Or conversely can I say my initial departure was Canada (where my layover was from the United states) and stay 144 hours in Shanghai and then say my final destination is the United States?


Answers (1)
Answered by Edmond from Finland | Jul. 09, 2017 22:29
Evonne, no, you won’t qualify for the 144 hour free transit in Shanghai because of your travel route. The country before entering Shanghai and the country after should be different. If you want to use the free transit, you should travel like USA-Canada-Shanghai-USA, or USA-Shanghai-Canada-USA.
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