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Asked by Shannon from USA | Jan. 16, 2014 20:40
About:Year of the Dog

I am a fire rabbit born on Oct 18, 1987, thanks,

Hi, I would like to know, what this year will be like for me, last year I felt happy, vigorous, full of life and energy, but so far this year I almost have a feeling of impending DOOM, I have absolutely no energy I feel like I'm stuck in a despondent and fixed mind set, has there been another polar shift? Please give a detailed answer and your sign, just for fun

Answers (1)
Answered by Nora from Australia | Jan. 16, 2014 21:17
No, your won't meet doom this year. Just be positive! There may be strong competition in your job, but you can easily defeat others with the instruction of your leader and seniors in your family. If u are single now, you can expect to meet your love in 2014; if you are in a relationship, I suggest you choose an auspicious date to get married.

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