Mar. 08, 2011 00:05 - How I get from Beijing capital airport to
Munxiyuan long distance bus sta... 268324
Mar. 08, 2011 00:04 - Hello! I am travelling to Beijing at the end of march. what do you think th... 268323
Mar. 08, 2011 00:02 - I will be arriving in Beijing Airport T3 at around midnight and my connecti... 268315
Mar. 08, 2011 00:00 - hi, am alien here, does anyone know if there are any good hotel at 上海徐汇区? b... 268313
Mar. 07, 2011 18:49 - our family plan to travel to chengdu on Nov 19 to nov 23. Can you please t... 268009
Mar. 07, 2011 18:44 - Does any offer letter need for Chinese visa application? what kind of docum... 268016
Mar. 06, 2011 20:35 - Hi, could someone advice me on when the 2011 Turfan, XJ Wine Festival is, p... 267963
Mar. 06, 2011 19:32 - i am visting Shanghai on 19th april kindly know the weather it is cold 267220
Mar. 06, 2011 19:30 - Just to check is there MAXI taxi (to accomodate 6 person) from Pu Dong Airp... 267219
Mar. 06, 2011 19:26 - Hi, Can you tell me how to get to Suzhou from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport on ... 267215
Mar. 06, 2011 18:58 - hello friend do u have some prrogram to visit guangzhou at canton fair
be... 267769
Mar. 03, 2011 19:14 - I 'd like to buy some good cashmere (not too pricey in Wangfu jing , beijin... 266905
Mar. 03, 2011 19:13 - from beijing south railway station what the easier way and cheaper to go to... 266904
Mar. 03, 2011 19:12 - Hi, I'll visit Beijing with my husband and 2 sons. Its so expensive to buy ... 266903
Mar. 03, 2011 19:11 - Hi, I want to know whether there is any long distance bus service from Beij... 266902
Mar. 03, 2011 19:08 - Hi Whats the fastest and most economical way to get from Beijing Capital ai... 266899
Mar. 03, 2011 03:55 - I will be arriving at Gungzhou Beiyin Airport on 26th. Aug. 2011 at 4.00pm.... 266797
Mar. 02, 2011 18:54 - hi, would like to visit HK ard end Jun- early Jul 2011 period. 1st time to ... 266429
Mar. 02, 2011 18:52 - I am in a hotel in Guangdong and would like to take a train to Hong Kong Ai... 266428
Mar. 02, 2011 18:51 - I am travelling with my wife and 3 kids to Hong Kong. What's the most econo... 266427
Mar. 02, 2011 18:48 - hi there!
Can i know how to go to Empire Hotel Wan Chai at the airport? ... 266426
Mar. 02, 2011 18:47 - Hello, I will go to Hongkong at this end ef the month.
I will stay at Park... 266425
Mar. 02, 2011 18:45 - Hi there, I have previously asked for directions from Beijing Airport and X... 266412
Mar. 02, 2011 18:32 - i m flying from mumbai to beijing on 10th of march after a days halt in bei... 266714
Mar. 02, 2011 00:44 - we are thinking about going to Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong mid March 2... 266339
Mar. 01, 2011 19:02 - First than all thanks for the help.
1) How to arrive from Pudong Airport t... 265981
Mar. 01, 2011 19:01 - Hello
I am arriving at Pudong Airport and I need to go to Shanghai JC Ma... 265980
Mar. 01, 2011 18:56 - I am arriving into Pudong Airport on Northwest Airlines. My flight is suppo... 265976
Feb. 28, 2011 18:53 - Will be staying at the Sofitel Hyland in Shanghai and must collect an air t... 264835
Feb. 28, 2011 18:51 - How can I get to Jiangyin port from Shanghai airport?How much is the distan... 264831