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Page 155 of 183
What are some of the similarities between Confucianism and Taoism?
Oct. 19, 2012 04:34 - Lanette from USA
Reviews for University of Nottingham, Ningbo
Oct. 18, 2012 03:31 - Ani from Indonesia
What are some good brides gifts for engagement and wedding?
Oct. 15, 2012 21:44 - Maggie from USA
is there any muslim's @ islamic's university in china???
Oct. 13, 2012 19:59 - Afiqah from Malaysia
When did concfucianism begin?
Oct. 12, 2012 22:21 - Toni from United States
what is the difference between Confucianism and taoism?
Oct. 10, 2012 21:56 - mabel from Philippines
how have confucianism and Daoism influenced chinese culture?
Oct. 10, 2012 00:57 - mya from united states
Does the family of a weterner groom have to pay a dowry to the brides paren...
Oct. 09, 2012 20:43 - wen from Australia
i want to study general medicine in china
Oct. 09, 2012 20:41 - mwamvita kalingonji from tanzaniai want to study general medicine in china
Farhan from Pakistan! Want to study in china *civil engineering
Oct. 08, 2012 01:52 - Farhan from Pakistan
how about a male pig cancer and female sag horse?
Oct. 08, 2012 01:20 - Jennifer from USA
I was born July 31, 1992 at 3:44 am. Eastern USA time! What are my pillars?
Oct. 08, 2012 01:03 - Alyssa from USA
what to buy???
Oct. 08, 2012 00:52 - kim May from Korea
i hold a bachelor of arts and iam interested in studying chinese language ...
Oct. 06, 2012 01:15 - vincent teyjoseph ahulu-tet from Ghana
how is monkey and ox
Oct. 03, 2012 05:38 - colette
what is language citeria for admission any chinese university?
Sep. 27, 2012 20:58 - Md.LUTFUL HAYDER from Bangladesh
Could you please give me details imformation about a university offering ma...
Sep. 27, 2012 20:53 - morris from Liberia
Is a female monkey born nov 1 1968 compatible with a male sheep born octobe...
Sep. 27, 2012 00:50 - kristin from usa
Are there any chinise universities offering Master of Arts in Public Admini...
Sep. 26, 2012 21:06 - Nayunda Wamunyima from Zambia
How has chinese weddings changed today compared to history
Sep. 26, 2012 20:48 - guest from USA
I am looking for a University where i can do my gradiate studies in Educati...
Sep. 25, 2012 06:47 - joseph Morris Daye-you from Liberia
i would to find out a list of universities where i could study public healt...
Sep. 24, 2012 20:54 - angella chuma from Malawi
my name is reuben with a ghanaian nationality.How can somebody like me appl...
Sep. 24, 2012 04:39 - Reuben from Ghana
Male snake and female sheep, a good match?
Sep. 24, 2012 04:22 - alen from Philippines
do modern chinese women wear engagement rings?
Sep. 23, 2012 19:57 - Ken from USA
How do the elements wood ,fire, earth metal water act with ox and when are ...
Sep. 16, 2012 20:10 - ableone from USA
We are 2 pigs born 1971 , how can we get ahead finacially we both work very...
Sep. 16, 2012 02:53 - Sen from Australia
what was the impact of the invention of paper
Sep. 16, 2012 02:49 - jenny
my mother was born in the zodiac year. of the sheep, eighth month and twent...
Sep. 16, 2012 02:35 - janet ong from Singapore
what are all the social influences of confucianism there has to be more
Sep. 11, 2012 21:33 - cherokee from USA
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