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Asked by Sean from Germany | Nov. 18, 2023 04:39
About:24-Hour Visa-Free Transit

144h TWOV in Guangzhou via Taiwan


can someone 100% confirm that Taiwan (still) counts as country A or C when considering 144h visa free transit? I (EU schengen citizen) was planning on flying Taipei - Guangzhou - Frankfurt with three days stop in Guangzhou before continuing for FRA. But I just talked to a lady from China Southerin hotline and she refused to book me a stopover in Guangzhou and said Taipei/Taiwan does not count as a "third" country.

Anybody with recent experience regarding TWOV in Guangzhou when coming from/to Taiwan?

Answers (1)
Answered by Borut | Nov. 20, 2023 00:36
Well, you were too much insisting calling Taiwan as a country... Taiwan is a Chinese territory and as such it really and 100% acts as third region (A or C)... As you can see this is a terminology, but yes, you are perfectly and undeniably fine to use your itinerary:

Taiwan - Guangzhou - Frankfurt

And enjoy 144 hour visa free transit in entire Guangdong province as you have originally planned... Also, I suggest you to book your itinerary online by yourself to avoid the situation that can produce unnecessary misunderstandings.

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