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Asked by Artun from turkey | Nov. 09, 2023 05:01
About:24-Hour Visa-Free Transit

layover for turkish citizen in beijing/Guangzhou

I recently booked a flight to Philippines with layover in Xiamen. We thought I could transit visa-free but that wasn't true (Xiamen was an exception apparently) + Chinese embassy also didn't give me a transit visum when I applied for it, saying that they weren't giving transitvisa for turkish citizens.
So I now have to book other flights, but most affordable flights go through China.
I found two flights, one through Beijing, and one through Guangzhou, and I want to be sure that for these I don't need the transitvisa. Do you know?
Thank you!

Answers (1)
Answered by Borut | Nov. 09, 2023 23:55
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Well, Xiamen is really a problematic because there is a list of citizenship that simply have to have a transit or some other visa to fly through Xiamen. I am so sorry you did not asked beforehand.

As far as your plan to fly through other Chinese airports, this is not problematic, so both Beijing and Guangzhou are fine and you will be covered by 24 hour visa free transit by default and you do not need any kind of visa. You should just take care that your layovers are shorter than 24 hours.
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