I’m a Libra Earth horse who is Single
I dated another Earth horse like me…he was a Capricorn and the same age….My heart is still for him after being broken up for 3 years now…I feel like I found my other half…why I say that is because I did date another Earth horse Pisces 24 years ago who also is the same age as me that I fell in love with and we had a son but after just two years in we broke up and I thought I would never get over my feelings for him but with in a year and a half later of our brake up I felt nothing for him at all…with the Capricorn Earth horse he reminded me of myself but as a male version of me…like I was looking at myself but as a male me….our connection was so intense and scary at the same time we broke up in the year June of 2020 after 5 years with each other…n I figure my feelings will be gone soon but it’s been 3 years since the brake up and I still love him…but I also found out he’s still in love with me too…why is it that we still feel this way for each other ?