i have a question why is it stated here that im an ox but on other websites im not im born in 2009
Answers (3)
Answered by Elijah
Jun. 15, 2021 00:41
You should provide the exact birth date. Then I can find your true zodiac.
Answered by Yang
Jul. 15, 2021 04:29
Chinese Astrology uses the Lunar Calendar, which begins around February, not on January 1st. So you need to specify your day and month of birth in order to know exactly if you are an Earth Ox or an Earth Rabbit.
Answered by SUNFFIRE
Aug. 21, 2021 22:43
Hi Rex,
From Chinese Astrology OX started from 26 Jan 2009 00:00am, while Chinese Horoscope OX started from 04 Feb 2009 00:50am.
Wish you enjoying lovely weekend.
Cheers, Sunffire