Answered by henry
Dec. 23, 2020 06:55
Follow your passion.
Follow what your heart desires. Life is not only about making money in a carrier. Money will not give you satisfaction. Acts of kindness to others, helping the needy doing something other than that which make meaning to you will bring you satisfaction that money can not buy.
So yeah, change your perspective. Look inside yourself and see where you can make a difference. It is so much about what you give than what you get that will give you fulfillment.
About getting married in 2021....well, you're not married perhaps because you've been searching for a right partner.....and that is the catch. Don't let the seasons and times influence your choices about key issues of life. You are not a tree whose production of flowers and fruit is determined by seasons and years. You're more precious than that. SO you shouldn't think of getting married next year if you don't find the right partner. You could have gotten married much much earlier. There are millions of people in this life who would be happy to have you.....but you call the shots. You're the boss.