Answered by ZUPAN
Dec. 28, 2019 12:17
You will be definitely eligible for 24 hour visa free transit and you don't need any kind of visa.
You will just print out your flight tickets and bring those printouts with you. Since your layover is long and you plan to exit the airport, you are advised to book some simple accommodation in Beijing before your departure from US. The reason for that is simple. Chinese immigration authorities are asking more often than ever from those who apply for a temporary entry permit, to present a proof of their accommodation in Beijing city. So, to secure your way out of the airport, a confirmation (in reality a printout) of your accommodation booking is your best bet to be allowed to exit the airport.
Upon your landing in Beijing, you will approach 24 hour visa free counter where you will apply for a temporary entry permit. You will present your flight tickets and your accommodation booking confirmation and this will almost certainly help you to be granted a permit to exit the airport.