London to Kuala Lumpur via China - 24 transit!
Hi there,
I am an Italian passport holder who lives in London and I'll be traveling to China at the end of December. My flight will depart from London Gatwick on the 28th at 9pm with final destination Guangzhou via Chonquing. Unfortunately I have an overnight stay in Chonquing, where my flight coming from London will land on the 29th of December at 16:15 and my connection flight to Guangzhou will depart the following morning, on the 30th, at 09:50am. The company that operates the flights from London to Guangzhou is Tianjin Airlines. Once that I will get to Guangzhou I was thinking to book a direct flight to Kuala Lumpur with Malaysia Airlines and the departure is scheduled at 2:40pm on the 30th. So before booking that flight to Malaysia, I'd like to be sure that I don't need a visa to transit in China as I don't plan to stay there. From the moment that I'll land in Chonquing on the 29th to the moment that I'll take my flight to Kuala on the 30th I should be within the 24 hours. I want just to be sure that there are no problems to have issued the 24 hours direct transit at the airport, even if I am staying overnight in Chonquing (I booked an Airport hotel for the layover) and even if I have a multi-stop with different airlines and with different ticket numbers.
Thanks for your attention,
Best Regards,