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Asked by peter mcloughlin from australia | Nov. 07, 2016 16:18
About:72-Hour Visa-Free Transit FAQ

I am arriving in Shanghai about a cruise ship

My cruise ship terminates in shanghai and i am staying there for 2 day before flying to hong kong then onto Australia - I am seeking a permit for myself and my wife (New Zealand citizen) - we both have valid passports and confirmation of our flight and seats on Dragonair from Shanghai to Hong Kong
while in Shanghai we are staying at the Shangri La Hotel
I have been told by the travel agent in Australia that unless we have a visa the cruise company will not let us board the ship in Hong kong for a 12 night cruise -
What arrangements can be made to overcome this situation
Peter McLoughlin

Answers (1)
Answered by Paul from Netherlands | Nov. 07, 2016 20:35
Peter, if the country or region you come from before arriving in Shanghai is not HK, you will be able to enjoy the 144 hour free transit in Shanghai, but you’d better confirm that with the cruise ship. Sometimes, the cruise ship may still require you to provide a valid entry permit for this situation.
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