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Asked by Ryan from USA | Nov. 04, 2015 20:22
About:Guilin Transportation

Beijing - Guilin - Hong Kong

Hello Group.....So I have a few days left after a work trip to Beijing and I am interested in checking out GL then heading to Hong Kong to fly out. The bullet train looks like a good option for travel from Beijing, but it might actually be a bit too fast for my taste. Any ideas on a good path to take that is efficient, scenic and terminates in Hong Kong? I have 4 full days and fly on the 5th day..... any suggestions would be appreciated.

Answers (1)
Answered by Eillen from Australia | Nov. 07, 2015 03:09
Yeah, it looks too much to only tour around GL. Now that you have four full days, you may consider taking a bullet train to Changsha. Spend a day there and head to Fenghuang Ancient Town for relaxtion. After that, get back to Changsha and ride a bullet train to Guilin. There you can experience the Li River and have fun in Yangshuo. Afterwards, fly to HK from GL.

Let me know if this is what you mean.

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