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Asked by miryani from Indonesia | Oct. 31, 2015 20:41
About:Hong Kong Trains - High Speed Rail

Hong Kong octopus card or adult tourist pass+single journey?

Hi...we'll stay there from 7-10 nov's our schedule:
7 nov-we want to explore the city (we'll arrive from Guangzhou at Hung hom station and directly go to chungking mansion )
8 nov- we're going to Macau (from chungking to sheungwan and take the ferry to Macau) until around 7pm then go back to chungking to take our luggage and move to dragon hotel at mongkok.
9 nov- we're going to spend our day in Disneyland (full one day)
10 nov- we check out and directly to HK airport (my plan is take mtr from mongkok station to tsing yi station then take airport express tiket from tsing yi to the airport which cost $60 HKD as I read)
Can u suggest which card should I buy?
Octopus card for 7-10 nov? Or
7 nov I use TAP+single journey for the rest day?
Which one is saver?
Help us please..coz this is our first time in HK.thank you..

Answers (5)
Answered by Sue from USA | Oct. 31, 2015 22:19
Considering your plan, I suggest you buy the airport express travel pass with one single ride on AE. I also suggest you top it up, so you can use it to take buses and ferries.

On your way back to airport, you don’t need to make troublesome transfers to Tsing Yi Station to take the AE. Just take it from Kowloon station, the fare would be higher but the same.
Answered by Miryani from Indonesia | Nov. 01, 2015 03:19
If i should buy airport travel express pass with one single ride... then it means i have to go to the airport first from hung hom to buy the ticket? Or can i buy the ticket at hung hom station? So i can use it start the first day i arrived at hung hom..
But, if the condition i have to go to the airport first.. then it's not useful because the fare become higher... because that's mean i have to buy single journey from hung hom to tsing yi then i still need to buy airport express ticket $60HKD from tsing yi to the airport.. then i just can buy airport travel express pass $220 HKD... it means the total is around $300 HKD...
And i just read that ATEP ticket can be refund and it return $50... what does it mean? I don't understand... please, explain to me... and pardon me because i' m not understand enough for the explanation... thank you...
Answered by Emily from Ireland | Nov. 01, 2015 21:07
It is true that the Travel Pass is only available at the Customer Service Center of Airport Exrpess Train, but except HKIA Station, you can also get it in Kowloon. Probably it is more convenient. Anyway, if you will use MTR, buses and ferries, it is fine to get a regular Octopus Card, which is available at Hung Hom Station, with 50HKD refundable deposit.

As for AETP, it costs 220HKD (single trip) and 300HKD (two single journeys), including 50HKD refundable deposit. After using it on unlimited rides for 3 days and Airport Express, you can return the card in the Customer Service Center at any MTR station and get back your 50HKD.

Hope all are clear now!
Answered by Miryani from Indonesia | Nov. 03, 2015 14:11
Ok.. i see now. So, from hung hom i just take single journey to kowloon station then buy AETP there, then i can use it directly for 3 days. Is that right? Thank you for ur kindness.. gbu
Answered by Lily from Germany | Nov. 03, 2015 18:52
Yes, that is correct.
Have a nice trip!

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