24 hours free transit visa for Filipino citzen
Im filipino citizen holding single entry visa, my flight details Mnl/Beijing via philippine airlines 05apr departure time 0715am==1155am arrival, my connecting is flight BEIJING/ ULAANBAATAR MONGOLIA on april 06 departure time at 9:30am via mongolian airlines.. can i avail the 24 hours free transit for this since im leaving less than 24 hours?
im returning to china using my single entry on april 09. IF l book a hotel just for an ovenight stay with transfers on april 05 , Is this allowable for 24 hours free transit?
On april 05 my arrival time 11:55am If 24 hours free transit visa is allowable, can i pass through immigration area in order to claim my luggages without using my single entry visa ? Kindly explain 24 hours free transit procedure because im not really familiar.. Is there any pay lounge in beijing airport just for an overnight stay?
Pls advise.