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Asked by GENNARINOO | Jun. 05, 2014 23:07
About:China Work Visa

Shenzhen L visa to Z, apply in Hong Kong?


I read two different opinions in this topic, therefore I would like to ask for your advice. I am a Hungarian citizen visiting Shenzhen at the moment. If I would like to work here and my future company want to apply for a Z visa, do I need to fly back to my home country, or maybe I can get the AEL and the Invitation Letter first and just go to Hong Kong and apply there?
I tried to gather as much as information as I could, some Embassy guys told me that it used to be possible, Hong Kong and Seoul were the 2 popular destinations.
Some website states that it is not possible anymore. I am trying to contact the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau but their lines are constantly busy. I would appreciate any advice on this. Thanks.

Answers (2)
Answered by Derek from UK | Jun. 06, 2014 03:17
Hi, it is impossible to get this done in HK anymore unless you are a HK resident. Anyway, you can have a try to do this through the Commissioner's Office of China Foreign Ministry first. Or you can contact a local travel agency for the latest information.
Answered by Guy from Canada | Jun. 22, 2014 07:12
Hello guy here from canada I am in china on a L type and found employment last month my employer got all the needed documents and I went to Hong Kong and got my Z type without any problems

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