Asked by Jenny Smith from Turkey | Mar. 17, 2014 09:05
About:Chinese Embassy in U.K.
Visa applıcatıon
I hold a Uk passport and a resıdency permıt for turkey where I lıve. On applyıng for a L vısa from Chınese embassy in Ankara vıa an agent I have been asked to provıde a copy of my bank statement (whıch must have a certaın ammount of money ın ıt), a copy of my resıdence/living permission number for Turkey,copıes of all e- flıght tıckets and hotel confırmatıons. Flıght tıckets and hotel confırmatıon numbers I can understand but bank statement and living permission number I don't understand. Is thıs normal ıf you resıde in another country from your home country ?.