Well, yes, there is. Especially in some remote areas, the arranged marriage is more common.
Answered by chris
Dec. 25, 2012 22:17
In which city of china, they do still arrange marriage let me know it is urgent.
Answered by Julie
Jan. 04, 2013 06:56
Arranged marriages are very common in China, especially in more remote areas (which is fairly a lot considering the size of the country). There is no "one" city. Arranged marriages have been the norm for thousands of years; I wouldn't be surprised if most Chinese families expected their sons/daughters to get married this way even now.
Answered by Chuck
Jan. 30, 2013 08:10
They do arranged marriages in most cities, here in Zhengzhou, I know of a park where every Saturday match makers and parents are out in the park trying to arrange a marriage.
Along with fortune tellers to help decide if the match may be good.
Answered by Brianna
Feb. 27, 2013 08:35
i was wondering how many kids can you chinese people have?