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Asked by Ms.Julie Tancock from Canada | Mar. 15, 2011 00:27
About:FAQ of Chinese Visa Application

I am a Canadian female (Canadian Passport holder) currently living in Taiwan with a visitor visa. I would like to go to Beijing for a visit for 3-4 days. Please let me know if the following assumptions are correct in the procedure of getting my visa to visit Mainland China...

1. Day 1: Travel from Taiwan to Hong Kong in the morning.

2. Day 1: While in Hong Kong in the morning, apply for the visa using the "Supplementary Visa Application Form of the People’s Republic of China". (one-day fast service with added fees). Bring with me my passport and copy of plane tickets and Hotel receipts for my stay in Beijing.

3. Day 1: In the late afternoon, I pick up my visa, I can travel to Beijing that evening.

4. Day 1 evening to Day 4: stay in Beijing, travelling back to Taiwan on the evening of Day 4.

Is this the process for me???
Thank you kindly for your help.

Answers (1)
Answered by Ms.MILES from United Kingdom | Mar. 15, 2011 03:20
You are required to fill visa applicaiton form both V2011A and V2011B as your situation. And they provide same day service for visa processing. It is all right to process your visa like this.

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