I am a Canadian female (Canadian Passport holder) currently living in Taiwan with a visitor visa. I would like to go to Beijing for a visit for 3-4 days. Please let me know if the following assumptions are correct in the procedure of getting my visa to visit Mainland China...
1. Day 1: Travel from Taiwan to Hong Kong in the morning.
2. Day 1: While in Hong Kong in the morning, apply for the visa using the "Supplementary Visa Application Form of the People’s Republic of China". (one-day fast service with added fees). Bring with me my passport and copy of plane tickets and Hotel receipts for my stay in Beijing.
3. Day 1: In the late afternoon, I pick up my visa, I can travel to Beijing that evening.
4. Day 1 evening to Day 4: stay in Beijing, travelling back to Taiwan on the evening of Day 4.
Is this the process for me???
Thank you kindly for your help.