I will reach guangzhou on the 27. january ,before I was thinking to fly later in february , but then my son must work and he will have no time , he is living in china, so I make my flight more early then I was planing, at the time I book my flight ,I did not kmow ,on the 3. february is the springtime--festival.
so do you think I can take the train from guangzhou east railway to nanchang ?????
or is this impossible, because to much people ?????
if I plan to sleep 1 night in a hotel in guangzhou and then at 28. january I will take a flight to nanchang , is THIS idear ""better"" ????????
how much I pay for a taxi , if the hotel is 30 km away from airport and how much I pay for 40 km ??????
and do you think , it is ""better"" to make the flight booking to nanchang from NOW??????????? because the springfest ?????????????
thank you very much for help greetings from egypt katarina