Hi,I am going to visit Shenzhen on my way back from Guilin to Hongkong
My flight will arrive at Shenzen Baoan airport at 12.05 am.
My questions :
1.Is there any airport shuttle bus operating at this time ( midnight or early morning? If there is any, does it go on its way to Sunon Holiday Villa hotel at Dongmen Walking st, Jiefang rd ?
2. How much the cost per person for the airport or shuttle bus that run to the hotel area ?
3. How much approx.the cost of the taxi from Shenzhen airport to Sunon Holiday villa hotel ?
4. How to travel from the hotel to cross border ( Luowu) station ?
5. Can we buy the train ticket to Hongkong from Luowu station ? How much is the cost per trip per person ?
6.Is there any timetable for the train to Hongkong ?
Your assistance is kindly appreciated