I have a few questions please wait for an answer please!
My parents are people over 50 expected to arrive in Beijing on the morning -02/02/2010.
1) What temperature pen predictable period between 02/02/2010 and 10/02/2010?
2) I know that world a little dangerous flu returns to how serious the situation in Beijing and how should I be prepared if and Hosni Vinnie suffers from a disease his fury?
3) I know most of the world there are thieves tourists waiting for it is there or police force that can help in one way or another degree came across the spot stealing whether officers speak English or Chinese only, so far as!?
4) pen I know Beijing very cold and how I should be prepared in terms of clothing from head to toe?, Mostly I come from a particularly warm land of Israel when the lowest degree here is 0 degrees on Mount Hermon.
Waiting for an answer urgently,
Thank you for your help and God bless those who help.