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Asked by Ms.beans from hong kong | Aug. 26, 2009 01:20
About:Chinese Embassy in India

My husband [Indian Citizen/Permanent Resident of Hong Kong] has been working in Guangdong Province in China on a 'Z' visa (with Residency Permit) for the past 3 years. I hold a dependent visa in China and am also a 'Hong Kong Resident'. My questions are
1. As a dependant of a 'Z' visa holder, am I not allowed to work anywhere in China? Do I need a valid employment visa of my own?
2. Are the rules any different for Hong Kong residents who wish to work in Shenzhen?

Thank you for your time

Answers (1)
Answered by Mr.Elbert | Aug. 26, 2009 03:07
1. you are not allowed to work in China with the dependant visa. If you get an offer in China, you have to apply for a work visa of your own.
2. You are Hk residents, but you holder Indian passports, and the rules are the same to all of the foreigners.

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