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Questions & Answers on Lijiang Old Town
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How can i go to Lijiang from Kunming? I prefer to tk a train @ express bus....
Nov. 23, 2013 00:15 - Razz from Malaysia
Hi, is there any homestay in lijiang old village? How is the weather in Dec...
Sep. 13, 2013 21:44 - Gary from Singapore
Best time for photography tour in Lijiang
Aug. 04, 2013 03:42 - Stefanus Wartono from Indonesia
I intend to go Lijiang in late October, Is that a good weather?
Jul. 17, 2013 04:44 - XianZhi from Singapore
Is the red fish (carp) the Lijiang symbol? Why?
Jul. 14, 2013 20:56 - Fátima from Brasil
Which part of the old town of Lijiang requires tourists to pay the entrance...
May. 31, 2013 02:42 - gt lim from malaysia
Current Weather in Lijiang
Apr. 01, 2013 03:11 - Michael from United Kingdom
i expect this to be my last stay in Lijiang in this lifetime what entertain...
Mar. 04, 2013 00:41 - sparky
any golf resort in lijiang
Dec. 24, 2012 01:03 - ctlim from Malaysia
Is there two separate towns, Old Lijiang City and a separate Lijiang or is ...
Oct. 17, 2012 01:21 - Janet Hillebrand from USA
Main Streets of Lijiang Old Town
Jul. 18, 2012 21:40 - Manfred from Germany
We will travel to Lijiang on early November, what is the weather condition ...
Sep. 29, 2011 22:00 - Mike Jennifer from USA
How is the weather in Sept ? From Kunming to LIjiang , is it comfortable to...
Jul. 24, 2011 21:19 - Lily from Malaysia
We would like to travel to Lijiang in mid july. How is the weather and how...
Jun. 03, 2011 03:43 - paki from United States
If I would like to go there, do I need to make visa?
Apr. 14, 2011 04:38 - Tonaoy from Thailand
We will be arriving in Lijiang on 4 April for 4 days, having flown in from ...
Mar. 25, 2011 03:42 - Smith from UK
Hi Mr. Rain, I am going to Lijiang in Dec 22nd - 27th. The weather fore...
Dec. 15, 2010 01:21 - Karan from Thailand
What about the weather in terms of temperature in the high Lijiang Old Town...
Jul. 17, 2010 03:13 - Alberto from Spain
I will be in kunming and lijiang yulong xue shan from December 12 to Decemb...
Jul. 08, 2010 03:37 - Teng from Malaysia
I'm planning a trip to Lijiang in July. Is weather good during that time? A...
Jun. 06, 2010 01:38 - Law from Canada
Hi, I'm planning to visit Lijiang old town in a few days time with my girlf...
Mar. 24, 2010 06:36 - Akash from India
I have travelled quite abit in china, and I find Lijiang Old Town very fasc...
Jul. 25, 2009 21:50 - Song from Malahysia
going to visit Hong Kong from Spain for 20 days in August we are also inter...
Apr. 27, 2009 20:33 - palomera from Spain
good morning, my name is Booker Townsend i would like to know how i would ...
Apr. 21, 2009 04:32 - Booker Townsend from USA
my first visit was in year 2005, I love this beautiful place and I keep on ...
Mar. 03, 2009 03:02 - Chuah from Malaysia
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