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Questions & Answers on Beijing Zoo
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Hi, I'm staying at Ruicheng Hotel which is situated in Xi Cui road, how can...
Jul. 10, 2018 18:24 - Toxic from France
Hi. How accessible is Beijing zoo for wheelchairs? Thanks.
Apr. 28, 2018 07:25 - Daniel O'Neill from Australia
If I am staying at The Great Wall Hotel, how do I get to the Beijing Zoo?
Mar. 19, 2018 22:18 - Dee from USA
How to get from Ramada North hotel to Beijing Zoo?
Mar. 11, 2018 20:12 - AC from Canada
Getting to Beijing Zoo
Feb. 22, 2018 22:43 - DeeDee from USA
Hello, can you pay with credit card like visa o master card at beijing zoo ...
Feb. 22, 2018 21:28 - Rut from Panama
Opening hours of Beijing Zoo during cinese new year
Feb. 13, 2018 19:37 - T.J from China
Is it allowed to bring dogs to beijing zoo?
Feb. 13, 2018 19:21 - Bea from Germany
Is there any fast food restaurant such as KFC or McD near beijing zoo?
Jan. 21, 2018 21:26 - Sherly from Malaysia
How to get Beijing zoo from fragrant hill embark hotel
Jan. 15, 2018 01:50 - Tirtha from Nepal
How to go to beijing zoo from century inn hotel?
Jan. 10, 2018 00:26 - myadagmaa from Mongolia
does beijing zoo allow re-entry ?
Dec. 12, 2017 20:00 - Larry Davis from Canada
How to go to beijing zoo from wansi hotel?
Oct. 30, 2017 00:45 - Olive ileto from Phillipines
Is there taxi service to & from Beijing Zoo to Kerry Hotel?
Oct. 17, 2017 21:05 - Jean from USA
How to get from Holiday Inn Airport hotel to Beijing Zoo?
Jul. 05, 2017 03:35 - Roshny from Suriname
How do I get from Beijing Zoo to Summer Palace? Please all options. Thanks.
Jun. 30, 2017 02:13 - TANIA from South Africa
Can you tell me more about ferry from Beijing Zoo to Summer Palace?
Feb. 02, 2017 21:47 - Isah from Indonesia
How to get from King's Joy Hotel posibble to take subway going to Beijing Z...
Dec. 06, 2016 03:38 - siti aishah noor binti abdullah from Malaysia
Can you have a photo taken with the giant pandas at Beijing Zoo?
Nov. 19, 2016 20:27 - karen from Australia
I want to know how it would be crowded in Beijing zoo on Sunday?
Oct. 29, 2016 21:34 - Khugi from Korea
I'm wondering which one should I visit first as I want to ride Beijing Zoo ...
Oct. 20, 2016 01:41 - gayatri from Indonesia
Can a person visiting Beijing Zoo hold a Panda bear if they pay additional ...
Oct. 18, 2016 22:43 - Dorothea Stell from USA
Is the total amount of money including Beijing Aquarium?
Oct. 08, 2016 03:28 - Saz from China
Would it be possible to hold any animals in Beijing Zoo or get your photo t...
Oct. 06, 2016 01:25 - Jade h from United Kingdom
What if you don't speak chinese? Is there a web site in English version f...
Aug. 28, 2016 02:46 - Lorian hinton from United Kingdom
Can you feed or hold the pandas?
Aug. 13, 2016 22:02 - somya from USA
Is it possibile to buy online tickets for Beijing Zoo and Panda House? if y...
Aug. 05, 2016 02:46 - miura from Italy
We are visiting Beijing next week and would like to take the Royal Boat Cru...
Aug. 04, 2016 02:23 - Audrey OConnell from USA
I'm visiting beijing and shanghai, i'm an animal lover and would love to ho...
Jul. 01, 2016 21:57 - NANCY NAZARIO from United States
Is there any facilities like special cars to get around beijing zoo?
Jun. 11, 2016 22:18 - Leila from Iran
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