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Asked by Pat from philippines | Nov. 21, 2024 14:18
About:24-Hour Visa-Free Transit

24hr Transit Twice in a Week

Hi. I have a ~23 hr transit in China so I want to apply for 24 hr visa when I arrive and explore the city before I leave for the third country. But I might transit to China again after ~2 days and possibly stay for less than a day before leaving again to another country. Is this possible?

Answers (1)
Answered by Borut | Nov. 22, 2024 00:10
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Yes, this is definitely possible, but you should count your transit time very carefully looking that it does not exceeds 24 hours even for one minute. Transit time is counted strictly by scheduled landings and departures only and not based on real landing and departures.

So, the first thing when you land in your mainland Chinese transit city, you will approach 24/144 transit counter where you will apply for a temporary entry permit by presenting your flight tickets and your hotel booking, if you plan to stay in the hotel during the night. This application is free of any charge. After a short check, you will be granted a permit and then you will head to the immigration. After you have cleared the immigration you will head to the city to spend your layover time on your own.

You will do exactly the same thing during your second layover a couple of days later. You are informed that there is no limit on the number of 24 hour visa free transit schemes that you can use within a week or a month. In reality, the Chinese authorities in general will be more than happy that you use the services of their different entities. Have a nice journey both ways.
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