inquiry if transit visa is needed
I am from the Philippines and I am working here in Moscow, Russia.
I received a flight ticket from my Company for my vacation this coming December and there is a layover in Beijing & Shanghai. (Moscow-Beijing-Shanghai-Manila)
I will just stay in the airport and I have no plans to go outside.
I think the flight from Beijing to Shanghai is a Domestic flight. So when I landed in Beijing from Moscow do i need to pass thru the immigration for my domestic flight to Shanghai?
In the same situation when I landed to Shanghai from Beijing, do I need to pass thru the immigration for my international flight to Manila?
By the way my luggage will go directly to Manila. So, do I need to apply a Transit Visa?
The overall duration of my layover in Beijing & Shanghai including the flight is only 14 hours.
I am so confused & worried about this situation.
Please help me on my query.