Asked by IOANNIS Chondrogiannis from Greece | Mar. 22, 2024 07:56
About:Visa on Arrival

Shenzhen VOA

I have Greek passport and I am interested to get 5 day VOA to Shenzhen coming from Hong Kong. Is that possible?

Answers (1)
Answered by Borut | Mar. 25, 2024 01:16
Of course it is. You should just appear at Lo Wu / Luohu border crossing by taking a train from the center of Hong Kong, but be there even before 09:00 when the visa office at Luohu opens. This is important to avoid the queues and to be certain that you will enter mainland China within a reasonable time... You should just bring your passport and have in mind that a visa for Greek citizens cost 275 CNY.

You are allowed to stay and move only within Shenzhen city limits. After your stay in Shenzhen, you can return to Hong Kong by taking any border crossing and any mean of transport, high speed train included.
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