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Asked by Felipe from colombia | Jan. 19, 2024 00:17
About:Visa on Arrival

Can citizens from Colombia apply? What is the criteria used to determine who gets it?

Answers (1)
Answered by Borut | Jan. 19, 2024 03:26
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Yes, citizens of Colombia are eligible for 5 days Shenzhen VOA.

You have to have in mind that, as always, those officials at the border crossing are the ultimate filter on deciding if a person, regardless of citizenship. will be granted or not. This is a discretionary right that is used by, probably, every single country of the world. It is always somewhat riskier to apply for a VOA compared to pre-arranged visa because it is almost unheard of that Chinese border officials have rejected somebody with a pre-arranged visa.

There is a set of rules that determines who is eligible and who is not and I can tell you that the citizens of the following countries are ineligible for VOA: India, Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Cameroon, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Uganda, Yemen. However, you should be aware that this list is subject to change and it can look different tomorrow... In general, citizens of the countries from the Americas are usually always granted a visa.
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