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Asked by Dragon lady from india | Sep. 10, 2019 09:59
About:Dragon's Love Compatibility

Dragon and Dog - why can't they get along?

Hi, I would like to know what exactly is it that makes Dragon and Dog not see eye to eye.

I am female dragon. I am kind, considerate and focus on emotional intelligence when I communicate. Seems my Dog friend/ potential business partner finds reasons "out of thin air" to make me the enemy.

I am left trying to understand what I did wrong, even knowing I didn't, and even so I am the one who tries to salvage a friendship, so we can work together, but get no real answers. This person is simply full of anger, tries to control me and hates me, for no reason. He even asked me one day "Do you think that I hate you?" I was simply soooo confused, as I had never experienced this kind of behaviour before, especualoy since I hadn't done anything wrong. I am highly doubtful of doing business with this person now. The trust I once had seems to have waned. I was all for making it work, now I just feel disappointed by his bad behaviour!!!!!!

So now on this site I see that dog and dragon are not a good match. Im curious to know Why? What is it exactly? I'm sure anyone can get along-and be nice and kind- IF THEY REALLY WANT TO.

Dogs are supposed to be nice. What's it, according to Chinese Horoscope that makes them so ...not nice (to Dragons)?

Answers (5)
Answered by Samuel | Sep. 10, 2019 19:11
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Maybe Dogs won’t expose true themselves in daily life. Strong self-protection always makes them criticize each other. Frequently conflicts will lead to cracked finally. Although you try to solve problems with patience and understanding, you still cannot figure out each other’s true ideas. This match doesn’t have enough positive faith in life and career.
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Answered by Anita | Sep. 20, 2019 21:33
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Im not sure exactly why. But i had a relationship with dog zodiac guy before and got couple of colleagues too. They always tried to blamed and pointed their fingers for 'mistakes' that i felt i didnt do and they didnt want to take any blames. They are bossy and it just something about them that so secret that any dragons will not like. I dont know..but me, as dragon lady suggest you not to start anything with them, not a relationship, not business or anything. Avoid them at any costs!
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Answered by Lexi | Dec. 12, 2019 20:58
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I don't know how to give a straight answer, but I can give you a real senerio about my husband and his father.
My husband is a fire dragon and his father is a earth dog, ever since I've been with him I would notice that they would get along very well but when it come to business or let's say (husband mom) when the dog need to redirect their bad choice or flaws they WILL point the finger to anyone that they feel that would just take the blame and deal with it. So hopefully gives you a good answer to your question. Btw find a rabbit to work with. I'am a fire rabbit and my husband and I work very well together.
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Answered by christina | Sep. 16, 2020 01:04
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I am a dog my husband is a dragon. We have children and we dont see eye to eye at all. From a dogs perspective it was always about the lack of emotional support. Relationship is very important. when relationship and tending to the hearth is good then no problem. But when their need to conquer the world outside and give to the home in this way solely I can tell you that is when all the criticism and strain comes. Emptiness of relationship has terrible consequences. No sharing of feelings equals ice cold relationship
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Answered by Fire Dragon 76 | Nov. 08, 2020 21:22
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Jealously lack of taking responsibility, fragility and lack of confidence. Not interested in improving oneself, Neediness, does not understand the unspoken. If a dog encountered a real dragon, who needs to friends with whom. Sorry it’s straight forward, I knew all of this and made the mistake. Get away from that person for your own good. Find a new friend, you are a dragon, you can trust yourself in the unknown and know you have luck to find the best.
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