Answered by Borut
Aug. 01, 2023 14:45
No, it is not so easy to find a source for official Chinese website regarding this subject. Also, your friends are wrong, pure false information. Shenzhen VOA is available, but the problem are congestion at visa offices located at the border crossings. Many arriving after 09:00 do not manage to obtain a visa because of the limited capacities of visa offices. Hopefully, the congestion will be released somewhat now when Chinese authorities have reinstated visa free regime with Singapore.
If you intend to travel to Shenzhen, you are advised to avoid land border crossings and to take a morning ferry to Shekou in Shenzhen. This is by far the best option. It is CKS - Chu Kong Passenger Transport that maintains this line, so you can buy a ticket through their website. Also, you should have in mind that the price for UK citizens is 314 CNY in cashless form. Also, take care about the opening time of Shekou visa office: 9:00 - 13:00 & 14:30 - 16:30.