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Asked by Phillip Smith from USA | Jan. 03, 2020 13:25
About:China Work Visa

Visa Z - Work Permit

Hi there! I am currently in a pickle regarding the validity of the whole z visa application process I have to follow with my China employer. I’ve applied for a teaching position, and have submitted all requested documents. Only now I have received conflicting documents back from the employer to use in my visa application. The employer provided me with a work permit which says I will do work as an account (as that was my major at varsity), and when asked by any visa authorities have to say I will be working as an accountant. When asked why, the employer merely said that this is the easiest way for me to enter China. I am also being registered in a different city that I will be working and living in. My question is now that once you have your residency permit can you 1) work in any industry other than that of your work permit, 2) work and reside in a different city than the one you first registered at with the police and 3) is this a everyday thing happening in China? Hoping for some feedback.

Answers (2)
Answered by JKoala from China | Jan. 04, 2020 19:53
Sounds suspicious to me , and seems like they dont hold the license to employ you as a teacher, so are either employing you through a third party because they dont have the license or dont meet the requirement to even hire you directly as an accountant ( companies must meet a certain criteria to employ foreigners ).
Unless they are offering you an absurd amount of money I would look at a different employer as even though you will have a work permit technically you will be working illegal as you can only do the job specific to your visa.
Answered by JKoala from China | Jan. 04, 2020 20:11
Let me clarify a little more , there are so many well paid teaching positions from legal schools available there is no need to put yourself into an adverse , also as far as my knowledge goes unless you are in a tiny city that has no PSB and are required to travel to another city to lodge any applications all visa related stuff must be completed in the city of residence , you can travel for work to different regions if your job requires but i am not sure if you can register in one city then live in another as part of the residency process is to lodge your address with the local police station in your city ,( visa gets you into china then you need your work permit and residency to live and work here ) so as you can see things can get messy so just go through a legal school and dont get caught up in the loop holes.

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