Asked by Ken Peasley from USA | Oct. 05, 2016 15:07

About:Chinese Permanent Residence Permit
US citizen wants to marry a Chinese citizen then live with her in China as a Permanent resident.
Please be specific as possible in your answer to each of these questions. Thank you so much!
1. US citizen wishes to marry Chinese citizen who resides in Guangxi
a. What would be a list of the proper papers that would be needed by the US citizen to obtain the visa?
2. What would be the steps necessary to accomplish this? Please be specific
3, May I take my cat with me? What would be the steps necessary to accomplish this?
4. How much of my own personal belongings may I take into PRC to her residence (her house)?
5. How long does the Chinese government consider a person to be a Permanent residence?
Thank you for your time in the answering of these questions
Kenneth Peasley