My birth date is 09/14/1981 and i was born at 2:48 A.M. What is in store for me for career and love
I'm looking for my soul mate and I haven't found him. I'm almost 35 and I still haven't found my soul mate. I also haven't had luck with jobs. I was a pharm tech but that job career hasn't panned out. I'm having trouble getting hired with jobs because I'm too qualified, experienced and educated due to my pharm tech career and when I do get hired I either end up laid off or it's difficult to get back into companies due to being betrayed by others. My pharm tech career hasn't panned out either due to the jobs either being temp or seasonal jobs which they didn't tell me about when I went to school. I'm looking into getting into management in the food industry or management in vitamin stores due to my Pharm Tech Experience. I'm almost out of money and I'm currently unemployed. When are things going to change for the better for me financially and career wise? When am I going to find my soul mate?