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Asked by COELGRIM | May. 25, 2016 02:51
About:China Visa

My passport expire while I'm studying in China

Hello, I am going to study in PRC for about 3 years.

My passport is about to expire in 2017 which is more than 6 months of expiring date.

What i want to ask is,
1. if my passport expire while I am in PRC. should I just go to my embassy to renew my passport? or later with a new passport, I need to make a new visa and new residence permit?
2. I am still not understand of the duration of student X1 , it is only for the first entry and get replaced with the temporary residence permit?
3. then the duration of residence permit is directly 3 years or I need to renew residence permit every year while I am in PRC?

thank you very much for your help please help me

Answers (1)
Answered by Joanna from United Kingdom | May. 25, 2016 04:05
While you are in PRC, you can just go to the embassy of your country to renew your passport when it is going to expire. You don't have to make a new student X permit or new residence permit as long as your residence permit is still valid by then.

The duration of X1 is actually only for 30 days, so when you first enter PRC with this X1, you should apply for a residence permit within 30 days. The residence permit is normally valid for one year. Then you can renew it one month before the expiry date repeatedly during the next years. And this residence permit can allow you to exit and enter freely. No other documents are required.

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