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Asked by John from USA | Mar. 01, 2016 01:47
About:China Work Visa

I have obtained my Z-Visa and entered China. What happens if I leave within 30 days now?

I have my Z-type and I entered PRC one week ago. However, the company which obtained the Z type for me is now requesting that I move to Beijing to work instead of in SZ where I was originally located. If I leave PRC within the 30 days and apply for a new Z type in Hong Kong, will I run into any issues? Do I have to apply to cancel my Z-type in PRC, or can I just let it expire?

Answers (1)
Answered by Victoria from United Kingdom | Mar. 02, 2016 02:47
Hi John, there won't be problems if you leave within 30 days without cancelling your Z type. It will expire automatically at the time you exit from mainland.

Another choice is to apply for the residence permit at Shenzhen and then transfer it to Beijing. This saves your money for getting the Z type but may be a little bit troublesome. You can go to the local Exit and Entry Administration to learn about details if you are interested.

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