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Asked by mary from USA | Dec. 03, 2015 09:55
About:72-Hour Visa-Free Transit

Do I need a visa for both cities? Will I be able to connect to my Hong Kong? Thanks.

I have a Belgian passport and am traveling from the US to hong Kong. But my flight is not a direct flight. The flight is from US to Beijing then Beijing to Hong Kong.

Answers (1)
Answered by Jack from Finland | Dec. 03, 2015 20:58
Dear, first, you can enjoy free entry to HK for 90 days. So you don’t need an entry permit to HK. As for Beijing, if you transit there for less than 24 hours, you can enjoy 24 hour direct transit; if you transit there for less than 72 hours, you can enjoy 72 hour free transit. In both cases, you don’t need to apply for any type.
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