Answered by KATRINA from UNITED STATES | Aug. 26, 2015 16:42
Just make sure you both commit to the marriage and vow to not get a divorce, no matter the circumstances especially when children enter the picture. I, myself am a rooster and my husband is a dog. It has been a tough marriage but we find when we are in the good times of it, our strengths outweigh everything else and we strengthen each other as well. Again, as long as you vow to each other to never divorce, unless one is hurting the other emotionally or physically, and really do your best to talk through the difficult times in your relationship because, there will be so many, i find that a rooster and a dog pair quite well and you will last as long as us. We will have been married 25 years next July and the good tends to outweigh the bad and especially at the 15 year mark, you will find you love deeper than you could have ever imagined.
Many blessings to you and yours, ryan.
Warmest regards,