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Asked by jo from USA | Feb. 12, 2015 12:47
About:China Tourist Visa

Tourist types 4 quick questions

1.I am an international student living in America. I do not have any bills in my name, I only have the lease agreement, will they accept that as proof of residency? I also have included my visa and i20 form from my school.

2.I have an E-ticket with a round trip and I have my hotel reservation- Do I still need to include a letter of why I am going to China and what I am doing there?

3.Does every single section on the application need to have N/A- Even for example where it lists whether you are filling it out for a minor.

4.On the Application when I type my email the box is not big enough-I am able to change the size of the font, how do I get round this?

Answers (1)
Answered by Ann from France | Feb. 14, 2015 00:22
1. I think the lease agreement may be fine, but you can submit your student card to replace it.
2. The letter is not necessary if you can provide round-trip tickets and hotel reservations.
3. I can't get what you are saying in this question.
4. If there is not enough space, the font will be reduced automatically. It is OK.

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