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Asked by Lauren from USA | Aug. 31, 2014 22:59
About:China Tourist Visa

If I have someone else turn in my visa application am I more likely to get rejected or no?

I have family that lives in Chicago and I live four hours away so it would save me the trip. Do I need whoever turns it in for me need them to sign the application?

Answers (1)
Answered by Lisa from Honduras | Sep. 01, 2014 02:25
Lauren, you need to sign the form and your name on the application form. Your family can help you submit your application to the Chinese consulate. But they can't sign your name on your behalf. There is no such a saying that you will be rejected if you ask someone to submit your application. All you need to do is to prepare all the required documents and then the consular officer decides whether you will apply successfully.
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