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Asked by nikki from USA | Jul. 03, 2014 04:54
About:Beijing Capital Airport T1

going from teminal 1 to terminal 2 at Beijing Capital Airport

reading the web site has me a little nevours i am flying throw BJ back to the states and will have a short lay over how long does it take to go from terminal 1 to 2 and how do you do this. the web site is a little bit confusing could you please giving drictions.

please and thank you

also some one who is flying with me has a longer lay over then me and was wondering how much does a hourly room coast in usd

Answers (1)
Answered by Shan from France | Jul. 03, 2014 21:27
The two terminals are connected and you can just walk from one to the other within 10min by escalator. The directions are very clear and all the signages are marked both in Chinese and English, so you won't get lost!

Do you wanna stay in the hourly lounges in T2? Well, for the standard room, it costs CNY100 (16USD) for an hour, CNY160 (26USD) for two hours, CNY220-400 (35-64USD) for three to eight hours' stay! They also offer single rooms, which costs a little less!

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